The technical personnel of the Mine Safety, Environment, and Social Development Division (MSESDD) of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) organized the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP) Consultation Workshop on February 14-17, 2024 at Park Inn by Radisson North Avenue in Quezon City.
The said workshop, under the guidance of DENR Undersecretary for Integrated Science, Dr. Carlos Primo C. David and Atty. Ronald S. Recidoro, Chairperson of the National Unified Information, Education, and Communication Plan (NUIECP) Steering Committee, solicited comments and opinions from various stakeholders on the proposed Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order on the additional guidelines for formulating and implementing SDMP and evaluating the SDG metrics.
The workshop officially started with the welcome remarks of Engr. Teodorico A. Sandoval, OIC Assistant Director, MGB, in a concurrent capacity. Atty. Ronald S. Recidoro, the NUIEC Steering Committee Chair, delivered his inspirational message. In addition, Atty. Danilo U. Uykieng, OIC Director, MGB, delivered his message.
Ms. Vikki Luta, Business Unit Head of EON Manila, presented the updates of the NUIEC Plan for the last six months of implementation. It was followed by Mr. Peter S. Benaires, President of National Community Relations Practitioners of the Philippines, who presented the group's position paper on the proposed DAO.
On the other hand, Dr. Carlos Primo C. David, DENR Undersecretary for Integrated Environmental Science, briefly discussed the proposed DAO regarding the additional guidelines for formulating and implementing the SDMP. He also provided a background of the Department’s initiative to add value to the implementation of the programs/projects/activities of the SDMP by incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relative to the mining industry.
Dr. Antonia Corinthia C. Naz, an economic expert of the Mining Industry Coordinating Council, facilitated the workshop. She first presented a briefing on the United Nations SDGs for the mining industry. The four pre-determined groups were then instructed to review and provide inputs on the draft DAO and the SDG matrices. The breakout session concluded with the highlights of the consolidated comments and inputs on the proposed DAO and the SDG matrices.
Engr. Marcial H. Mateo, MSESDD Chief, delivered his closing remarks after the workshop. He acknowledged the participants who devoted time and effort to scrutinizing the working documents thoroughly and contributed to its vast improvement.
Social Development Chiefs from the MGB Regional Offices, around 120 selected community relations and development practitioners, three workshop guests, and speakers graced the event. Another round of consultation workshops shall then be scheduled for the final evaluation of the draft DAO and the SDG matrices.